27 Jun The Benefits of Using Copper Pipe Relining Vs Repiping
According to a recent study, only 52% of the global population have access to a well-managed wastewater service. Many developed countries, including Australia are enjoying safe and efficient wastewater systems consisting of sewerage systems that are underground.
Your home’s pipe system in Eastern Suburbs plays an integral role in keeping your house clean, safe, and sanitary. It is therefore imperative to know the basics about how to take care of drains and sewer lines.
Majority of old homes are installed with copper pipes. Before the invention of PVC, steel pipes such as copper were one of the most popular materials used in the production of underground drains and sewer pipes. While copper is well known for its durability, it also deteriorates with time. Various factors, including soil conditions, earth movement, corrosion, and natural wear and tear will soon be a problem of copper pipes that have been in use for many decades.
In the case of pipe damage, relining solutions in Eastern Suburbs is regarded as one of the best ways to remedy the issue and restore the optimum functionality of your residential drains and sewer lines. Let’s take a closer look at sewer pipe relining in Eastern Suburbs, and reasons why it is far superior compared to other traditional pipe repair systems, including total replacement or repiping.
What is Copper Relining Solution?
Eastern Suburbs relining solution involves the use of epoxy pipe resin. Epoxy resin is a material used to coat compromised or damaged pipes. The formula for epoxy resin for relining purposes will depend on the application, severity of damages, and the nature of its use. In the case of drains and sewer lines, a certain amount of epoxy resin will be used to seal in leaks, cracks, gaps, and other types of physical damage.
On the other hand, pipe repiping pertains to replacing a damaged pipe altogether. In more serious cases, total replacement or repiping will work better than repiping.
When to Obtain Sewer Relining for your Eastern Suburbs Home?
Regardless of which method is more suited to your specific need, it is crucial for homeowners to be knowledgeable about the warning signs of a damaged drain or sewer line. Here are some of them:
- Your home is more than 40 years old. This is because your residential property is most likely outfitted with copper drain and sewage systems. Even when you don’t notice any warning signs, plumbing relining is an effective method of avoiding issues altogether.
- Water backups. When the water from the drains or sewer lines are backing up, this means that your pipelines may be suffering from clogs or have structural issues that are slowing down the flow of water away from your home.
- Wastewater backup carries an unpleasant odour. Aside from the offensive smell, stagnant wastewater inside your home can trigger health issues if not resolved soon.
- Reducing flow efficiency in drains and sewer lines is an impending sign of bigger damages in the future. Reduced flow efficiency reveals itself in the form of slow flushing toilets and drains. Pinhole leaks in copper pipes is a common side of a fault or old pipe system at your Eastern Suburbs home.
What are the Advantages of Eastern Suburbs Relining Solutions?
- Cost efficient
Copper pipe relining service is a more cost-efficient way of fixing damaged pipes. In fact, an Eastern Suburbs relining solution will only cost you half of what you would normally spend if you opt for a pipe replacement service.
- No displacement
You don’t have to wait for days or weeks for damaged copper pipes to get fixed. Epoxy resin cures fast, with some completely cured in a matter of hours.
- Environmentally Friendly and Safe
One of the major selling factors of plumbing relining is its excellent safety rating. You don’t have to worry about toxic chemicals leaching on the soil. Additionally, epoxy resin retains its shape even under great pressure, so your pipelines are less likely to suffer from damages again over time.
- Outstanding Durability
The best epoxy resin material from reputable manufacturers can last up to 100 years. With proper care and maintenance, your copper pipes will not have to deal with cracks, leaks, and damages again.
Copper Pipe Relining Cost- How Much Is it?
Copper pipe relining services are more affordable compared to repiping. Complete pipe replacement can set you back up to $24, 000. On the other hand, copper pipeline relining only costs $2,000 for basic relining.
For all of your copper plumbing relining needs, you can rest assured that our professional team here at Revolution Pipe Relining will get your drains and sewer pipes in optimal condition at a fraction of the price. If you want to schedule an appointment or request a service estimate, you may call our direct line on 1300 844 353 today.
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